We all know that due to COVID all the sports activities are stopped. The international cricket council has postponed the ICC Men’s world cup 2020 which was going to held on Australia in October-November this year. Many cricket lovers are upset due to this news but due to it the way for IPL is open.

Now the BCCI has got the window to organizing the IPL 2020 in October – November. Recently ICC board did a video conferencing meeting and decided to suspend world cup due to COVID, because time was very little for the tournament. The ICC men’s T20 world cup was schedule for OCT 18 to NOV 15 but due to corona, it is not possible to organize such a big tournament.
The ICC postponed the T20 world cup and also not clarified that the T20 world cup will be held next year in Australia or not. They also informed that the two consecutive T20 world cup will be held next year or in 2022 because in 2023 India will have an ODI world cup.

According to the ICC schedule, the final match will be held on November 13, 2022. If its start on 14th November 2022 but next year there is a window of October to November 2023 is open for ICC Men’s cricket world cup 2023, who’s final will be played on 26 November 2023.
The Australian cricket board had objected for the T20 because broadcasters would have to face difficulties in moving the broadcaster’s team from one city to another with the 16 teams and the other support staff and members, which are specially hired for this event. This is a special arrangement and not easy to do. So keeping all things in mind before, they decided to postpone the T20 world cup at the international cricket council but due to this atmosphere there is one other good news is for IPL fans.
Now the cricket fan can see their favourite player in IPL. IPL was also postponed due to COVID. Every year this series held in the March to May but at the same COVID enter in our life. So all the series and matches are postponed but the suspends of T20 world cup opens the door for IPL. So now, cricket lover can enjoy the match this year. But now the main problem is when the T20 world cup will be held because, in 2023, the world cup will be held. all the schedule decided for that. IPL is the most expensive league. The BCCI decided 13th season of IPL which will be held between September 19 to November 9. BCCI not officially announced that when or where the IPL will be organized they will share the schedule soon.
If we come to the conclusion that COVID does not harm only economy but also sports. All the routine activities, as well as the series and match, also face its bad impact. IPL will be held but the audience will be less there due to govt. guidance of social distancing.